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Branding Importance for Business Success

Branding is important for business success

Paulina Ivaškevičiūtė, August 4, 2024

In 2020 alone, Netflix, one of the world’s most recognizable brands, spent approximately $1.45 billion on branding and advertisements. Coca-Cola spends about $4 billion every year on the same. All these huge brands seem to be spending a lot on branding. So why is it important?

Branding is vital for businesses as it helps you connect with your audience. It’s all about making a connection with your target audience. When a brand forms this connection, especially on an emotional level, it evokes trust and loyalty from your target audience.

And as we all know, customers are more likely to stick with brands that connect with them. Besides, as a business, you want customers to have a positive ‘word-of-mouth’ effect to generate more traffic your way.

Branding is important for business success, and in this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about branding to drive success to your business.

What is branding?

Branding involves the entire process of creating a unique identity for a business, product, or service to make it compelling and relatable for the target audience.

It’s a marketing strategy that involves more than simply designing a logo or choosing a color palette. It seeks to create a positive perception of a company, its services, products, and customer experience.

A consumer brand is a brand that creates a positive association between its services/ products and its customers. Although conventional knowledge dictates that this kind of relationship is only exclusive to customers as members of the public, it can also be business-to-business (B2B).

Branding features many different elements, including:

  A name and logo - the identity

  Values, mission and personality

  The brand story and its voice

Why branding matters

Branding matters a lot for businesses because it helps you connect with your target audience. This is vital for enhancing brand perception, repeat business, and driving new traffic your way.

Here are some other reasons why branding is important for businesses:

  Creates a lasting first impression: First impressions are key to developing a successful business brand. And it’s through this initial connection you can positively and effectively influence your brand’s perception.

  Consumers are more likely to engage with a strong brand: Part of having a strong brand involves your treatment of customers. And as statistics would have it, 94% of consumers feel that a brand’s treatment of its customers influences their purchase decisions.

  Builds credibility and trust: Branding helps you positively influence your products/services or company’s perception. In doing so, you build trust and credibility, leading to repeat business and, eventually, brand loyalty.

  It helps differentiate your brand from others: It’s very likely that your business is in competition with other companies offering similar products or solutions. Branding helps you differentiate yourself in a crowded market, ensuring that you stand out with your values.

How to develop a successful branding strategy

Create a memorable brand name and logo

What is the first thing that people see when they see your brand? Your name and logo. Nike has its famous ‘check’ logo, Adidas has the three stripes, Coca-Cola has the infamous logo, and its curvy bottles. All these examples demonstrate the need for an eye catchy logo and a memorable name.

Come up with a unique selling proposition (USP)

As the name suggests, having a unique selling point means having a benefit or feature that you offer and no other brand offers. This can help you stand out from a crowded market and attract new customers.

You can only do this by carefully identifying your target audience. Who needs your product? What features or benefits do your products offer that others in the market don’t?

Make sure it's clear and easy to remember. Avoid technical jargon or complicated language. Remember, the aim is to connect with your audience, not wow them with your technical understanding.

For instance, see how Nike’s USP, ‘Just Do It’ is simple, clear, and easy to remember. It speaks to people who are physically active and want to achieve their goals.

Tell a compelling and relatable brand story

A successful branding strategy hinges on a compelling and relatable brand story. Crafting a narrative that resonates with your target audience can forge a deep emotional connection, which is what you want to build brand loyalty, engagement and drive more traffic your way.

A good brand story should reflect your values and overall brand identity. It should be something that people relate to. And even as you do so, structure your story to outline the customers as the brand’s heroes.

Build customer trust and loyalty

Exceptional customer support plays an integral role in developing a successful branding strategy. It's monumental in building customer trust and loyalty, which ultimately results in long-term relationships and repeat business.

According to one study, an overwhelming 94% of consumers say that a positive customer experience influences their choice to continue buying from the same brand.

So how do you deliver excellent customer support:

  By giving swift and prompt responses

  Showing empathy and understanding of customer grievances

  Offering consistent and helpful customer advice

  Being transparent and honest

  Making honest follow-ups post-purchase and after alleviating the problem

Customer support is one of many facets that build customer loyalty and trust. After all, a brand’s image is not only influenced by its customer support but also by the perceived security and safety of its operations.

Businesses can build customer trust by maintaining transparent interactions, safely handling customer data, and respecting user privacy. Brands that are perceived as transparent and trustworthy handle customer data in a safe and secure way.

A VPN is a great tool that will help you safeguard customer data while respecting their privacy. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) encrypt online connections, meaning your customers' data will be safe and shielded from cyber criminals. Top VPNs like NordVPN and ExpressVPN protect sensitive customer data and can help you craft a security-backed branding strategy.

Boost your brand's online visibility and recognition

Once you’ve nailed the other elements of your branding strategy, it's time to boost your online presence and build your brand recognition.

More people are online than ever. This underlines the importance of having a strong online presence as part of your brand.

Having a website is not enough these days, as you need to optimise it with relevant keywords and content to improve your search engine ranking. For this reason, consider digital marketing and e-commerce solutions that meet your needs.

In Conclusion

Branding is crucial for business success, as evident from the significant investments made by top companies like Netflix and Coca-Cola. It goes beyond a mere logo or color palette, as it encompasses the creation of a unique identity that connects with the target audience on an emotional level.

A successful branding strategy involves crafting a compelling brand story, developing a memorable name and logo, and identifying a clear, Unique Selling Proposition (USP) that sets the brand apart in a competitive market. Also using logo stickers for labelling and giveaways can enhance your brand's visibility.

Building credibility, trust, and long-lasting customer relationships is achieved through exceptional customer support, which is vital in influencing purchase decisions.

And lastly, optimising websites with relevant keywords and employing digital marketing strategies can significantly enhance brand visibility and recognition.

 need great branding?